The Story Quality Chart

As of February 20, 2025

How I review each collection…

  • After a very short introduction to each story story collection, I assign a percentage (%) score to the book as a whole.

  • I achieve this number I assign each story either a score of Great/Good (+1), Average (+0.5), or Poor/DNF (0).

  • Good/Average/Poor are my attempt to be objective.

    • Great/DNF are entirely personal.

      • Great stories are stories I love, that I want to reread immediately, that I want to share with everyone.

      • DNF (Did Not Finish) are stories that I actively can't bear to keep reading. Stories that "life is too short waste time on."

  • The point total is divided by the number of stories in the book to achieve a final % score.

  • I’ll also list the number of each type of story.

    • EX: a 50% score for a 10 story book could be 5 good / 0 average / 5 poor. Or it could score 50% for 0 good / 10 average / 0 poor.

  • In the review, I will also discuss a little bit about every story in the collection, to help people determine if they’d enjoy reading it.